Iris Chang [張純如] – Author | Historian | Human Rights Activist
20240616 - 張盈盈與撰寫[原子彈秘史[名著作家理查德羅茲(Richard Rhodes)的故事
20240305 - Nanjing Echo: Illusion, Subterfuge and Public Relations in the ‘Rape of Nanking’ Debate - by Randy Hopkins
20240304 - Dialogue 360
八方論壇 史東對話張盈盈
20240204 - 美利堅見聞:羅伯特.威爾遜醫生 - 南京大屠殺中的人道主義者
紀錄片”南京”背後的故事 met with Ted Leonsis and Bill Guttentag
美利堅見聞 歷史記憶.文化傳承 -追思我的父親張鐵君
20230327 BRTV-北京衛視:是媽媽,是女兒啊,你不再是一個人去戰鬥
20220826 China Daily - One Of A Kind
20220823 - Reading room commemorating Iris
Chang opens at San Francisco WWII Pacific War Memorial Hall
20220508 追憶母親
TNR: Can Historians Be Traumatized by History?
CCTV 中文國際
[2020 世界聽我說]
20191009 - On the Trail of Iris Chang by Lisa Yin Zhang
20171121 - The ‘Western front’ of the war over ‘The Rape of Nanking’ - Asia Times
20171107 - Nanjing Echo: Illusion, Subterfuge and Public Relations in the ‘Rape of Nanking’ Debate - by Randy Hopkins
20170409 - 淮安女兒張純如回家
20170408 - 淮安"張純如紀念館"開館-媒體報導
20170407 - 淮安"張純如紀念館"開館-影音照片
20170404 - 村上春樹 承認南京大屠殺 - 塗改歷史是錯誤!
20161213 - Nanjing Massacre remembered in San Francisco
20160307 - Young historian to be honored in China
20160122 - John G. Magee family donation to Yale
Divinity School Library
20151027 - Kinue Tokodome - Phoenix Weekly
20151010 - UNESCO 世界遺產
20150830 -
20141213 -
CCTV/JSBC Documentary on Nanjing Massacre (5 parts)
20141213 -
江蘇電視訪問張盈盈 南京大屠殺死難者國家公祭日
20141212 -
南京日報 - 不忘這段歷史,才有真正和平
20141109 - 張純如逝世十周年
20140903 - CCTV America Interview (English)
20140704 -
20140603 -
20131220 - 江蘇衛視專訪
20131204 - At the 76th anniversary of Nanking
20131110 - 著書獲獎 歸譽張純如
20130620 - a letter to "The Japan Times" in memory of Iris Chang, a woman I so greatly admire! - Sato
20130325 - 第四届中国传记文学优秀作品奖
20130123 - Where Are You From? : an Anthology of Asian American Writing
20121216 - 文茜的世界周報: 張純如 - 南京大屠殺 (youtube)
20121215 - CCTV interviews : 電視專訪張盈盈 - 環球聯播
20121127 - Tears of Nanking by Gene Emerson (youtube)
20121113 - 誠品人物專訪張盈盈: 記住她用勇氣與熱情追求正義...
20121102 - 台灣中文版上市 張純如 - 無法遺忘歷史的女子
20120613 - The Chinese American Librarians
Association : the Best Book List for 2011
20120608 - China CITIC Press 中信出版社
20120607 - 外滩画报 - 出版女兒的傳記是我最後的心願
20120605 - 新華網 : 張純如-美麗勇敢無法被歷史忘卻的女子
20120604 - 南京大屠殺作者張純如的父母講述女兒成長的心路歷程
20120530 - 騰訊網 - 張盈盈 : 張純如 - 無法忘卻歷史的女子
20120528 - 南京大學檔案館舉辦張純如展覽紀實
20120523 - 張純如的自殺 可能源自藥物
20120523 - 希望南京大屠殺歷史寫入美國教科書
20120522 - 中國應推動西方更多了解日軍侵華歷史子
20120520 - Global Times - The Power of One
20120502 - 中文版上市 張純如 - 無法忘卻歷史的女子
20120310 - The San Diego Union-Tribune
20120123 - 2012 APALA Asian/Pacific American Awards for Literature
20120118 - The Atlanic : The Nazi Leader Who, in 1937, Became the Oskar Schindler of China
20120109 - DingDing.TV 丁丁電視 : 繼續追尋張純如
20111202 - Portland, OR KBOO Community Radio
20111201 - Los Altos Patch Saturday Book Appearance
20111115 - Boston 真正的張純如
20111110 - San Francisco 為的是紀念她
20111104 - Maryland 憶不能遺忘的女兒
20111000 - CAF Review Chinese American Forum Magazine
20111023 - KSFO 560 AM The Barbara Simpson Show & Gary Shapiro Bookshelf
20111019 - Univ. of Illinois Chang honors daughter's life
20111018 - Indiana Daily Student - Mother
reflects on daughter's life
20111003 - Radio Interview The Dr. Peter Breggin Hour
20110826 - Hoover Institute Stanford University
20110824 - Cupertino Patch
20110801 - Global Research : The Mysterious Deaths of Ernest Hemingway and Iris Chang
20110714 - Asia Times: Like daughter, like mother
20110620 - Memories: From a Mother's Eyes
20110619 - 父親節憶女甜苦難分
20110615 - 無語問蒼天: 張純如之死和抑鬱症
20110607 - A Writer We Should Not Forget
20110606 - 活動照片集錦 座無虛席 感動落淚
20110602 - 寫女兒不平凡一生
20110601 - The Globe and Mail
20110531 - Vancouver Observer
20110529 - 母親著書紀念女兒
20110528 - Digital Journal - Dr. Chang discusses…
20110527 - 加拿大多倫多會書迷
20110527 - Misremembering...
20110527 - 披露女兒真實一生
20110527 - The Atlantic - Justice for Nanking Massacre
20110526 - 張盈盈新書 首刷售罄
20110526 - Writing With the Wind
20110525 - Wall Street Journal
20110525 - Pills linked to Death
20110525 - 化悲慟為力量
20110523 - 張盈盈與讀者對話
20110523 - 母親寫書療喪女之痛
20110522 - Museum of Chinese in America, New York
20110521 - Book Signing in NJ
20110519 - 張盈盈的啟示
20110518 - 卓絕愛女 風骨峭峻
20110515 - San Jose Mercury News : Mother's New Memoir
20110514 - Los Altos Patch Behind the Scenes
20110513 - San Francisco Chronicle
20110508 - 祝福傷心媽媽
20110508 - World Journal Magazine - 母親節特別報導
20110400 - Open Road Media
20090406 - Mom's Dedication
20041119 - LIFE Magazine - Iris Chang Memorial
2003 - Chinese Americans : Political, Social, Economic, and Cultural History
- Iris Chang
1997 - Johns Hopkins University Magazine - Nightmare in Nanking |
Iris Chang [張純如] – Author | Historian | Human Rights Activist
